Tuesday, July 03, 2007

And Then There Was One....

With all seven of SSR's personalities enjoying a well-earned rest at Her Majesty's pleasure (she got six months), her former acolyte has decided it is her turn to step into the limelight.

With "SSR" (Felicity Jane Lowde) and Karen's very public falling out and subsequent abandonment of the "Hargoon" blog, Karen lost the shield from behind which she launched the sundry attacks on everyone she felt did not sufficiently recognize her genius. However her months of sullen silence have come to an end as she has launched her own blog.

So far the brunt of her righteous wrath has been directed squarely at Bob Hinton, who she claims to be a Freemason and stalker (among many other things). Mr. Hinton is smart enough to defend himself adequately against Ms Trenouth's childish attacks, certainly, but we will continue to point out Karen's contradictions, slanders and outright lies as they occur.

The first major howler to appear under Ms Trenouth's byline is the astonishing claim that:

I would like it known, here and now, that an no time - EVER - has [sic] Felicity Jane Lowde (FJL) and I ever been friends, met, talked on the phone, emailed each other, know each other or wrote to each other. I do not like FJL - she also abused me by making hateful comments on her blog about me. I was just as happy to see that she was imprisoned for her harassment and stalking; however, it was the Ripperologist's collective celebratory reaction that caused me to reinstate my blog. FJL has no connection whatsoever with my blog; and I had no connection with hers. I am just fed up to here of the Ripperologists accusing FJL and I [sic] of being "bosom buddies", when she lives in England and I live in Canada. Get real, goons!

It's hard to believe that even Karen is foolish enough to believe that anyone will buy this, but apparently she's serious.

Fact: Karen was "SSR"s most fervent (likely her only) supporter and "contributor", with dozens of messages posted on that august forum. Even if we are to be generous enough to accept that Karen never caught on that SSR and FJL were the same person (which would not speak well of her investigative skills), her comment would still be a lie, as Karen posted comments on the the SSR site that were expressly addressed to FJL.

Here's one from from the Hargoon blog--keep in mind Karen's claim to have NEVER written to Felicity:

Hi Felicity,

How are you honey? Victim 1 to Victim 2 speaking. Ripperology is filled with misogynists who do not care, so much, for the female victims of JTR, they are more preoccupied with JTR - Just Their Riches! Or, in Dan's case - Just Their Readership, or JTR - Just Their Ratings. You get the picture.

No doubt Karen will attempt to side-step this obvious lie in some way. Someone with her knack of re-writing history will likely find a way of erasing this embarrassing fact from her mind.

And to further compound the lie that FJL's and Karen's respective blogs have nothing to do with each other, on July 3 Karen posted an entry that is almost entirely dependent on information from the SSR blog, and contains a lengthy quote from SSR (again we note Karen's disingenuous use of material written supposedly by someone she dislikes and has had no contact with). However there is a more important issue about this post than Karen's inability to tell SSR and FJL apart, which we will be commenting on separately.