Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why are we here?

This blog is devoted to exposing the inconsistencies, evasions, harassment and outright falsehoods propagated by the "Exposing Stephen Ryder, Ivor Edwards, Tom Wescott and the 'Jack The Ripper Casebook' thugs" blog, with particular emphasis on the ongoing pattern of bizarre and frankly disturbing behavior by the author of "Epiphany of the Whitechapel Murders"--who seems to have found the perfect vehicle for expressing her frustrations and feelings of persecution.

Hiding their viciousness behind anonymity and self-serving claims of satire, these online bullies perpetrate a ceaseless series of cowardly sniper attacks on just about anyone. The ultimate irony is that they justify these cheap-shots and unfounded accusations by labeling their targets as "thugs" and portraying themselves as victims-turned-advocates.

Unsupported accusations, edited or deleted emails and posts, misattributions, intimidation, and bending the truth are used on a regular basis by these people. When that doesn't work, then name-calling, profanity and outright falsehood come into play.

We aren't into cheap shots--you aren't going to be seeing a lot of snide comments about the size of someone's ass or the length of their hair or tackiness of their attire. No gratuitous accusations of sexual perversion, lack of hygiene or derogatory comparisons to any sort of animal. We'll leave that to Shamingstephenryder's multiple personalities.

We are here to present the other side of the story, as rationally as possible, using examples from their blog, accounts of their behavior, and their own posts from, and, among others.

If you have stories, anecdotes, or other contributions, feel free to email them to us. Although we will not post your name on this blog, we will NOT post unverified accounts from anyone who does not identify themselves in the email. You can of course leave anonymous comments--be prepared for a short delay as they are vetted before posting. We respect your privacy (we've seen what the bullies can and will do to those who point out their double standards) but we will not be a party to spreading slander or malicious gossip--we leave that to the other guys.

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