Grab some lemon for your tea, sit back, and read along.
Lie #1:The Hargoons Respect Anonymity
You can find examples of your own, just by trawling through the comments section, but we'd like to highlight an incident where the Hargoon's abysmal identification of a commentator lead to an entire article--and incidentally to the creation of this blog.
The original article was a crude and childish attack on Mario Aleppo's daughter on the occasion of her wedding (yes, they really are that tacky). Since we have never encountered Mr Aleppo, we asked a simple question:
Anonymous said...
What is your issue with Mario Aleppo?
Is he a member of the Casebook?
To which we received this reply:
annoyed said...
I once called the National Archives asking to see the Ripper letters and I got put through to him and he asked me some very rude questions, I put the phone down. And he is opening the door to thugs?What's the game?
This sounded ominous to anyone researching the Ripper case, so we asked for more information:
Anonymous said...
What kind of questions did he ask?
Where the questions themselves rude, or just the way he asked them?
Does he often give people a difficult time, or just over the Ripper items?
Which elicited the following response:
annoyed said...
When I called him it was the questions. You have to have a pedigree degree
just to get in the door and I also got the impression he was a snob type. Very
rude and unpleasant.
Well, at this point it sounded like Mr Aleppo was merely doing his job, although there was still a chance that the accusation against him had some merit, so we asked an obvious question:
Anonymous said...At which point what had been a perfectly civil and reasonable exchange entered into typical Hargoon territory, starting with an anonymous comment that can only be described as "paranoid":
From curiosity, has anyone contacted Mr Aleppo's superior to complain about his
conduct? What was the response?
tellthedumbass said...
Is it perhaps possible those questions were from Mario Aleppo wondering if he is going to get the sack.
Most normal people would rightfully have laughed this off, but then SSR is not exactly a poster-child for "normal", hence the following response:
Interesting point caller, it's true he doesn't look out for anyone except his fat ass.
However since he's retiring he probably doesn't give a damn anyhow. They are odd questions though.
Anonymous said...Seem fair? Rational so far? We certainly thought so. However the folks on the blog, readers and authors alike, did not seem to think so Despite giving them yet another opportunity to explain their issue with Mr Aleppo, the next three comments showed up in rapid succession:
Why are the questions odd?
Mr Aleppo has earned a spot on your blog, but doesn't seem to be a member of the casebook--when I asked why, the response was that he asked rude questions.
Since one day I may need to visit the Archives it makes sense to try and find out what those rude questions might be, no?
However I never did get any detail. Luckily if I contact the Archives after April it likely won't matter, although if those questions are standard procedure I may still encounter them from his successor, so I'd like a preview if possible.
shamingstephenryder said...
Dear me what nurds turn up sometimes!
12:28 AM
Anonymous said...
12:28 AM
shamingstephenryder said...
Thanks, yes it does seem to be the case.Philippe R Welté ( the man who is asking questions) is a crook and a revolting fraud, and we will be doing a big exposé on him soon.We think he is as likely to get into the National Archives as the backside of an
12:32 AM
Stayed tuned for Lie #2...
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