Our observation vis a vis the Masonic webring and the Intendant of the building, or lodge, earlier outlined, is the correct one. There may be the odd discrepancy but it's irrelevant. We don't build on it, it's an interesting observation.
Really? Then perhaps you can explain why you have posted twelve articles referring to Bob Hinton's supposed Masonic connections in the past seven days! That doesn't include the repost that prompted our article and which you have since removed from your blog, presumably out of embarassment.
They also trot out the oft repeated lie:
We have no leaning toward any particular theory.
Which we've already blown wide open in an earlier post. But for convenience sake, the Hargoons have exposed the falsehood in the very same paragraph, which says"
They daren't discuss the conspiracy theory, because it reveals their ignorance and incompetence. So, they lampoon any freemasonry based observation whatever, as soon as they can, and in so doing, reveal triumphalism, desperation, and ignorance..
Lest there be any doubt that they are lying through their teeth, the preceding paragraph also reveals their true feelings:
We suspect that the 'Ripperologist baboobs' are simply up to their usual stunts, denying any type of conspiracy/Freemason theory as they have neither intelligence, information nor means to approach it.
Doesn't sound like they have a bias at all, does it?
One of their "anonymous" commentators added their two cents' worth (we hope she got change):
Yes, why is Bob going to all these lengths to deny his Freemasonry connection, and hoe does he know so much about the lodge in Wales and the masonic webring? I smell a stinking rat Mr Hinton.
To which we will reply, using small words. Mr Hinton did not go to any lengths to deny his Masonic connections, he merely pointed out that he is not a Freemason (lots of people aren't, you know). He does not claim to know anything about the lodge in Wales and the (non-existent) webring. We (not Bob) spent 10 minutes doing what the Hargoons should have done before posting their drivel on the Net--doing some basic research and checking the accuracy of their claims.
We find it notable that the commentator did not ask herself why the Hargoons seem to know so much about the Lodge in Wales, hmm? Maybe the Hargoons are the Freemasons, employed to draw attention away from the Masonic Ripper theories by creating the perception that all those who are championing such theories are puerile thugs of limited intelligence and questionable sanity. If so, they are doing a fine job.
But seriously.
If their research for the attacks on Bob Hinton and others has been proven to be so dismally inadequate--and it's not like it was even challenging research--then is it reasonable to expect that their research on the Jack the Ripper case will not likely be any better? No, we don't think so either.
Reading the latest episodes of their blog it is quite clear it has imploded. They've even changed the name of my personal blog for the third time.
by Bob Hinton
by Bob Hinton.
This was recently posted on the other blog.
"We'll alert his local M.P. to his ancestors' foul deeds" (talking about Stephen Ryder)
Dear dear Felicity you shouldn't let people know where you are from.
Third time lucky 'eh Bob!
Well.... anyone been followed to lodge yet then?
by Bob Hinton
A glance at the blog shows that it has finally imploded under the weight of it's own nonsense.
The latest offering is to reprint my review of Epip etc and finish it with the comment:
Then do it, Bob - just do it, man!!
Trust me, it's for the best. Seek professional help immediately, Bob.”
Obviously trying to intimate that somehow I am obsessed with this book and can’t leave it alone. I wrote that review after I had read the book and posted it on Amazon, Chapters (where the book was being offered for sale) and the websites Casebook and JTR forums. I haven’t mentioned the book since.
The only people who keep dragging this up is the blog itself.
I think that congratulations are due to Nemo for his excellent work in exposing these buffoons for the sad, pathetic people they are.
Thank you, kind sir.
Fortunately, with one of SSR's multiple personalities on a "time out" there has not been much new to point out about the Hargoons.
We are going to go back and point out some of their earlier thuggery over the weekend
And I hear sucking lemons may wipe the smile off of certain faces!!!!!
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