Sunday, September 17, 2006

Learning from Karen

We notice that the Hargoon's are back in harness and up to their old tricks. However we noticed that they've adopted one of Karen's favorite techniques--the disappearing post.

Here's what they posted:

The site has been edited, and dated/irrelevant posts permanently deleted.
Mainly to protect the innocent, or people that the thugs that frequent Stephen Ryder's casebook website deceived, who've seen their mistake. Alot of the thugs we exposed here were blaming innocent people and behaving with their usual thug-malice so we've removed alot of postings.

On the surface it's a welcome if ungracious admission of what we've been saying all along--that the Hargoon's have been targeting people for little or no reason, spreading cruel and untrue stories, and generally acting like the bullies that they claim to expose.

You'll notice that they don't actually admit they were wrong, they do not apologize to the people they've attacked, nor do they even give any indication who the innocent are. And in true thug fashion they blame everyone (including the victims) except themselves.

Buried in an earlier comments page, this pseudo-acknowledgement can be found:

There is no doubt that Bob has been wrongly treated by Karen. We try to be fair to Ryder victims in all their forms. However, he is best advised not to be a bimbo to ripper thugs.

Overdue, and insufficient, but a start. Note, however, that although they tacitly admit that they wrongfully launched their extensive smear campaign on no other evidence than the insane ravings of Epiphany author Karen Trenouth, there is no mention of (let alone apology for) the dozens of slanderous articles about Mr Hinton that have graced the Harpoon's blog. In typical thug fashion, SSR ends the post with a veiled threat directed to Mr Hinton.

While it is nice that SSR's meds have taken effect to the extent of acknowledging that their campaign against Bob Hinton and unspecified others was based entirely on the unsupported and often unfounded accusations of an embittered visitor to their site, it would be even nicer if the Hargoon's were to publicly apologize to those who were attacked on the same, flawed grounds. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Thomas Schachner
  • Maria Birchwood
  • Jana Oliver
  • Magpie/Magpie Productions
  • Lavender Lady
  • How Brown and Tim Mosley
  • Jukka Ruskeeahde

We call on the author(s) of Jack Rip's Lampoon to step up and do the right thing. They admitted they'd done wrong by editing their blog--now it is time to be open with who they wronged and to make a meaningful apology.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nemo!
Wondered when they'd surface again!

Hmmm an apology eh?? Thinly veiled I'd say!!!

Anonymous said...

A Bimbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!????? what does that mean ! Am quite sure that Bob won't take kindly to that one.....firstly he'd NOT blonde! and secondly he seriously not daft!


All best!


Anonymous said...

Desperate definately!!!!!

Hmmmm wonder who's going to be next!?

Nemo said...

Well, I did say (pseudo)acknowledgement, rather than apology;)