We notice that the Hargoons have created a new blog, returning to it's original name "Shaming Stephen Ryder, Dan Norder, Tom Wescott & the Ripperologist thugs". Although there's nothing substantively new on the blog, the fact that they've taken the step of recreating it suggests an intent to revive their campaign of harassment, hypocrisy, and outright lies sometime in the future.
Case in point: the most recent (September 14, 2006) post.
In this characteristically dishonest attack on Phil Hutchinson (one of the Hargoon's favourite targets), they accuse Philip of gratuitously attacking a Casebook poster with no provocation.
Here's how they describe Philip Hutchinson and his actions :
One of the most vicious libelling thugs, Philip Hutchinson, has instantly started up libelling other authors again, and his acts are exposed here (followed by link).
Here's the post they claim Philip was responding to:
Hello All, The Whitechapel Society 1888 can confirm a full programme of speakers for 2006. We kick off our new season this Saturday, February 4th 2006 at 'The Princess Alice' pub, Commercial St, London E1 at 7.30pm. Our speaker is Stuart Sullivan and his presentation is, 'JACK THE RIPPER: A PSYCHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION.' Stuart told The Whitechapel Society, "My research was conducted without any preconceptions and as a result, I believe this suspect, Thomas Donoghue, is as viable as any who have been suggested as the murderer." Stuart has maintained an interest in the Whitechapel Murders for over 20 years and we look forward this talk with great anticipation. We hope to see you there!Best Wishes,Frogg Moody.WS1888
To which the Hargoon's claimed that Philip made this response:
Ooh goody. My parents read that toilet paper. I'll get them to save it for me. I'll be interested to hear what is said about the Ripper sites; one has a vested interest, you know. Who did they consult, Adrian?PHILIP
Sounds pretty childish and nasty, right? Philip out of nowhere attacking either Mr Moody--a figure of some esteem in the Ripper community--or the efforts of a well-intentioned researcher whom Mr Hutchinson does not know. We'd call that disgraceful, wouldn't you? Well, if that was really what happened, we'd heartily agree. But of course it wasn't.
The post that Philip was actually responding to was from someone else, and it said:
Hi All,The WS1888 should be mentioned in this Friday's 'Daily Mail' in their 'Question & Answer' section dealing with the Ripper sites.ADRIAN.(WS1888 Editor).
Suddenly everything changes: Even the dimmest Hargoon can see that the "toilet paper" that Phil was referring to was the Daily Mail (an opinion likely shared by millions of people in England alone). Far from attacking Mr Moody and the WS1888 staff, Philip continues to have a friendly and constructive conversation with Adrian about the Daily Mail article (which he is also kind enough to provide for those reading from outside the UK).
Unlike the Hargoon's, we don't expect you to simply take our word for it. Check out the exchanges here.
Let's be frank, here. This is not a simple mistake, or misinterpretation of events. This is nothing less than a transparently dishonest attempt to smear Philip Hutchinson by manipulating the facts in a shameless way. And they have the nerve to call Philip vicious and libellous?
If the Hargoon's are willing to descend to this level intellectual honesty and discard allcommon decency in their campaign of harassment, how are we to judge the quality of their Ripper research, when and if it ever appears?
While it seems that "SSR" is still in hibernation (she has transferred her hate campaign to her personal blog for the time being) it's possible that the "Shaming Stephen Ryder, Dan Norder, Tom Wescott & the Ripperologist thugs" may well resume it's noxious efforts again very soon.
And when they do, we'll be here to call them on it.
I see they are up to their usual high standard.
"It exposes the yobs who have been absuing people"
What exactly does 'absuing' mean?
According to Wikipedia, Absu is a black metal band from Texas.
Perhaps it's something to do with playing their stereos too loud...
Plenty more from there and the "real" blog, about Felicity Lowde, 53 Jackson Road, Oxford.
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